About Our Alumni Network

The palmville Schools Alumni Association was established in order to give a forum for past and future graduates to band together over a common interest. The association offers the chance to reconnect with old friends and classmates, as well as to asveance one's profession through networking and mentoring.

Why choose to join our Alumni Network?


25% Off Tuition Fees for Your Children

As a registered alumnus or alumna of Palmville School, you will get a 25% discount off the tuition fees of your children all through their stay in the school.

Professional Networking

Members of the alumni body live and work across the global continents. Therefore, you have the opportunity of building an international professional network.

Invitation to Social Functions, Reunions and School Events

At intervals, the alumni body organises social events and reunions. As a member, you would get an official invitation to participate and network with other members of the body.

Volunteering Opportunities

As an alumnus, there are several opportunities to give back to your alma mater as a volunteer in one of our events. Please click here to indicate your interest.
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Want to be part of our great Alumnus?

Click the button below and fill the form with required details.
